"बहुजन हिताय बहुजन सुखाय"
Shri Shivaji Maratha Society’s

Institute of Management & Research Pune.

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Research is the first step towards introduction of innovative concepts. To encourage research efforts we publish "ANVESHAN"-IMR's Management Research Journal with ISSN 0976-4186. ANVESHAN is a Bi- Annual research journal intended to provide an integrated view of the entire field of Management.

The goal of "ANVESHAN" is to broaden the knowledge of business professionals and academicians by promoting free access and provide valuable insight to business related information, research ideas. The journal accepts empirical papers that make a significant novel contribution to the field of management.

Issue of ANVESHAN embraces research papers from various management fields like Need of Strategic HRM, a macro approach towards QWL, performance of stock, a comparative approach of development management in Mumbai and pune city, impact of VRS scheme, co-integration of global commodity mix etc.