Students are required to display the ID cards given by the college during their stay in the Campus. The security persons in this regard will have the full authority to check the ID cards and Personal belongings. Refusal by a student to produce ID card as and when demanded shall result in disciplinary actions.
While in the campus, student behavior must at no point disturb the conduct of lecture.
It is the responsibility of the student to read notices regularly.
Smoking, Drinking and gambling in any form within the campus premises is strictly prohibited.
Cell phones/Mobiles phones or other such device should not be used within the college premises except in the Canteen or the Boys/Girls Common room.
No society or Associations will be formed in the college as no person will be invited to address a meeting without the written permission of the Director.
In case of illness student must inform the teacher in charge and must produce the necessary medical certificate within 7 days.
Students should refrain from any type of unruly / undisciplined / indecent behavior either inside or outside campus and be only concerned about enhancing the reputation and image of the College. Any unwelcome behavior brought to the notice of the management will invite disciplinary action.
Prior permission from the management is required to be taken for organizing any Get together / Function / Party or any other event and use of college facilities.
Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within the premises of the college/department/classroom as well as on public transport. Any individual or group of individuals who indulge in an act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indiscipline and such individual/ groups shall be dealt with as per the ordinance. This includes individual or collective acts or practices that involve physical assault or threat or use of physical force, which violate the status, dignity, and honor of any student. Any complaints regarding ragging should be brought to the notice of the Prevention of anti ragging committee members. The names and the telephone numbers of the members are displayed in the Campus.
Students should wear ID cards in the library.
Library book will be issued to the students only against the library cards.
Every student will be issued only 2 books at a time for a maximum period of 7 days and as per the due date stamped on a borrowed book. On Expiry of the period, if student fails to return the book (s) will have to pay fine of Rs 1/-per day for a week. The amount of fine can be varied from time to time at the discretion of the director.
Library cards are non-transferable, meaning thereby no issue will be made to a student against the library card of any other student.
The library is expected to be used only for issuance/ return of the books as well as for study. Any other type of activities including Group discussions etc. will NOT be permitted inside the library premises.
All library books must be returned after the course or program is completed and within the due date fixed by the college from time to time. The passing certificates and mark sheets will NOT be given without the clearance and No Dues Certificate from the librarian.
Student should familiarize themselves with library timings and rules and regulations displayed on the notice boards from time to time.
On happening of any specific event of indiscipline/ even calling for disciplinary action, the Director will constitute an “Enquiry Committee” comprising faculty members and /or outside experts to investigate the charges. On completion of the enquiry proceedings and based on the report of the enquiry committee the Director or any other authority assigned by him/her for this purpose may decide to impose penalty in case the charges are proved. The penalty imposed will be commensurate with the nature, seriousness an extent of the act.
The punishment, as a consequence of disciplinary action, could be any one or combination of the following depending on nature of incidence.
- Warning
- Fine
- Suspension
- Rustication